Win PEPE every day with binance – how to participate in this event?

Until March 26, 2025, users of Crypto Binance France can earn tokens PEPE every day by connecting to the application. How to be entitled to this event?

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Binance event that wins PEPE DAily

Until March 26, 2025, Binance organizes an event reserved for French users who allow you to win up to 100 pepe per daySimply by connecting and trading. Overall, a fund of 260,000,000 PEPE is brought to reward the participants.


You can therefore receive up to 100 PEPE on a mission every day, a total of 200 PEPE daily throughout the campaign. However, the offer is limited to the first 20,000 users.

Join a day in binance and store and win a pepe

How to access the campaign?

You want to get access to the reserved event page and be able to win PEPE:

  • On the computer : Click the Activities page;
  • Mobile : Click the Activities page or click Banner available in the app on the homepage (available for Binance France, whose application is in French).

How to participate?

The action is open to all binance users France whose account is verified (KYC)AS by reservation of certain conditions available here.

Mission 1

You want to receive 100 pepe per day, here are steps:

  • Join binance;
  • Go to this page for the specified activity and click “Start” to verify the first mission;
  • Get your awards in the Center for Rewards (will appear after 24 hours to 48 hours).

Mission 2

  • Go to this page dedicated to activity;
  • Click “Trader of Cryptos” and then make a shop with at least $ 5 on Binance Convert, Spot or Ring;
  • Get your awards in the Center for Rewards (will appear after 24 hours to 48 hours).

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PEPE WON will be distributed at the Binance Reward Center, where it is necessary to claim them to win them. Once the mission occurs, the period of 24 to 48 hours may be necessary to make PEPes appear in your center of rewards.

This event is for French users in binance excellent opportunities to accumulate pepe. Easy to connect to an application or a simple shop with at least $ 5 is enough to get 100 pepe a day.

Join a day in binance and store and win a pepe

If you want to learn more and read the general terms, click here. The use of digital assets involves risks. Please note that (i) digital assets are volatile assets and may be inappropriate for you and your profile, so you should only invest in products that are known and whose risk (II) digital asset may include the risk of loss of capital and the risk of losing your capital value and (III) that are not reliable indicators of the future. You are exclusively responsible for your investment decision and binance is not responsible for the losses you can undergo. For more information, see Binance and risk.

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