It shone $ 251 million: The pound destroyed its investors!

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Eddy S.

The Libra token, shortly supported by Argentine President Javier Milei, proved to be a financial disaster for most of his investors. According to a study by the research company Blockchain, more than 13,000 traders have suffered losses exceeding a total of $ 251 million.

The panic trader, in Sweat, looks at his phone with a studor, while graphics in the background shows the brutal collapse of the market.

Libra: sudden madness followed by a brutal crash

It all started on 14 February 2025 at 10:01. This report immediately triggered flame token prices and attracted the massive influx of investors crypto. In a few hours, the price of the pound reached an impressive summit of $ 4.55. However, this meteoric ascent was followed by an equally rapid decline, which cost Solan 6.2 % per day.

The confusion was reinforced by contradictory statements about the project promoters. While the pound was originally presented as a tool for financing for small Argentine companies, one of the project managers, Hayden Davis, later called it a simple “same”. This statement questioned the legitimacy of the project and contributed to the collapse of the crypt.

Massive losses for crypto investors

Nansen’s data on the chain reveals a worrying reality: out of 15,431 portfolio crypto recorded profits or losses higher than $ 1,000, 86.07 % suffered losses of $ 251 million. In addition, about 4,693 wallets have noticed really significant losses. Among them lost $ 1,478 between $ 1,000 and $ 10,000 or accumulated $ 4.8 million. More than 2,800 wallets lost between $ 10,000 and $ 100,000 ($ 82.4 million), while 415 others lost more than $ 100,000, a total of $ 137.4 million.

On the other hand, 2,101 wallets were $ 180 million cumulative profits. Especially two active portfolios between 10:01 and 10:44. Designing a possible previous knowledge of events.

The weight episode therefore emphasizes the risks associated with investing in speculative chips, often influenced by public statements as the same from the Central African Republic. Before investing in a crypto, it would also be necessary to remember the importance of in -deph analysis.

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Eddy S.

The world is evolving and adaptation is the best weapon that survives in this undulating universe. I am interested in everything about blockchain and its derivatives. To share my experience and promote an area that fascinates me, nothing better than writing informative and relaxed articles simultaneously.


The words and opinions expressed in this article are involved only by their author and should not be considered investment counseling. Do your own research before any investment decision.

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