Hyperliquid Hyper makes the worst decrease in top 50 after 30 days-what happens?


In the last 30 days, Hyper Token has decreased by more than 40 %, which makes this performance the worst of the TOP 50. What can this decline explain?

Hyperliquide sees that his token hype loses 40 % in 30 days

Over the past 30 days, Hype token decentralized exchanges (DEX) of hyperliquid crypto derivatives lost more than 40 %. According to Coinmarketcap data, this is the biggest bass of the top 50 cryptocurrencies in the last 30 days.

After a sharp increase followed by the Airdrop Protocol, which leads to the price of the hype to exceed $ 35, the asset is now exchanged for less than $ 16 per capitalization of more than $ 5.25 billion:

Course Hype Token in Daily Data

Course Hype Token in Daily Data

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Despite this decline, Dex seems to have not suffered from particularly negative news and even continues to develop with the recent triggering of Hyperevm. As regards the total locked value (TVL), it is relatively stable for a month, $ 636.5 million, and even observes an increase and equivalent ETH, with more than 290,000 units:

ETH equivalent hyperliquid tvl

ETH equivalent hyperliquid tvl

👉 All about hyperliquid dex (hype)

In an effort to explain this lower decline than the average, 2 elements can be connected. First there is an obvious generally generalized market decline in the last 2 weeks.

In addition, you need to remember The asset was after its record last December highly valuedallowing eligible traders to achieve important profits. In this context, these profits were given to ensure profits, which led mechanically to the price of the token.

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